Danish Fly Festival

WHEN: 1 & 2:th Mars 2025
WHERE: Kolding Denmark


It´s time again! The 16th edition of the Danish Fly Festival in Kolding, Denmark will soon kick off. The organisers is a non-profit organisation based on voluntary, unpaid staff doing a fantastic job. In short – everyone involved are hard core fly fishing enthusiasts! The profits from the festival are used for water environmental projects as well as to promote fly fishing. So do come and visit the Danish Fly Fishing Festival with us and support all the good work as well as getting the opportunity to meet great people and check out exciting fly fishing gear. Welcome!

och laxens dag!

NÄR: Lördag 8 Mars 2025
VAR: Kulturhuset Vingen
Amhults Torg 5, 423 37 Göteborg.

ENTRÉ: 100 kr. 50 kr för ungdom under 16 år.


Säfveåns Flugfiskesällskap i samverkan med Sportfiskarna Region Väst arrangerar mässan Havsöringens- och Laxens dag. Mässan är till förmån för fiskevård och en rad föreläsare och utställare kommer att närvara förutom LOC.

Säfveåns Fly Fishing Society in collaboration with Sportfiskarna Region Väst is organizing the show "Sea Trout and Salmon Day." The event aims to support fish conservation, and a number of speakers and exhibitors will be present in addition to LOC.



Tweed Salmon Festival

WHEN: 5 & 6:th April 2025
WHERE: Schloss Roxburghe (near Kelso).

Admission free.


The Tweed Salmon Festival will be held on the 5th & 6th April 2025 to raise funds for the Tweed Foundation’s conservation and angling development programs. This exciting event is a non-profit grassroots initiative organised by the River Tweed’s ghillies to promote angling education, conservation and participation within an inclusive range of the river’s community.

Located at the Schloss Roxburghe near Kelso, the two-day event is free to attend and will feature masterclasses on fly fishing and fly casting by some of the sport’s leading personalities and fly fishing manufacturers who will showcase the latest fly fishing tackle and performance clothing for with the opportunity to try before you buy.